
OTA update


Mender is an open source remote software updater for embedded Linux devices. It enables management of software updates to connected devices remotely over any TCP/IP network.

For a high-level introduction to Mender and its architecture, visit Mender.io.

Follow the instructions to update your device by Mender.

  • You need to build a Neutis image with Mender


Refer to Yocto tutorial for more information.

Initialize your environment:

bash init.sh -d poky-neutis-mender
source poky/oe-init-build-env build

Add following to $NEUTIS-IMAGE/meta-layers/meta-emlid-neutis/meta-neutis-distro/recipes-core/images/neutis-image.bbappend:

require recipes-core/images/neutis-mender-image.inc

Run bitbake neutis-image

  • You need to flash your Neutis N5 module and boot

Image: $BUILD/tmp/deploy/images/neutis-n5/*.sdimg


Download and install Neutis Flasher to update Neutis N5 firmware.

  • Connect your module to Internet Network


Refer to Connectivity examples for more information.

  • Run a simple HTTP server on your build machine

Go to the build directory, mender file has to be there.

Mender file's name is neutis-image-neutis-n5-(...).mender

cd $BUILD/tmp/deploy/images/neutis-n5

Run a server by the following command:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Figure out your build machine's ip address, we use as an example.

  • Run an update
root@neutis-n5:~# mender -rootfs

Check a progress status and wait for a result.

root@neutis-n5:~# mender -rootfs
INFO[0000] Performing remote update from: [].  module=rootfs
Installing update from the artifact of size 141756416
INFO[0000] opening device /dev/mmcblk2p3 for writing     module=block_device
INFO[0000] partition /dev/mmcblk2p3 size: 746586112      module=block_device
................................   0% 1024 KiB
................................   1% 2048 KiB
................................   99% 138240 KiB
................................   100% 138434 KiB
INFO[0199] wrote 746586112/746586112 bytes of update to device /dev/mmcblk2p3  module=device
INFO[0200] Enabling partition with new image installed to be a boot candidate: 3  module=device
  • Reboot your module

  • Check a mender status (boot partition) and commit an update

root@neutis-n5:~# mender -commit
INFO[0000] Commiting update module=device