Secure Chip
Neutis features tamper-resistant dedicated crypto chip (ATECC508A) for storing cryptographic keys, unique ID, random number generation and more. The ATECC508A can generate high-quality FIPS random numbers, each of them is guaranteed to be essentially unique from all numbers ever generated on this or any other device.
This examples demonstrates how to generate random numbers.
Package building and installation¶
The first step is to build a package with CryptoAuthLib
support and random_number
If you have not yet build any images or packages with Yocto, visit this page.
If you have already set up build host, then navigate to neutis-image
Open meta-layers/meta-emlid-neutis-examples/recipes-core/images/neutis-image.bbappend
and uncomment the following line:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += "secure-chip-example"
Build the secure-chip-example
bitbake secure-chip-example
Find the package:
find tmp/deploy/ipk/ -name "*secure-chip*.ipk"
You should find secure-chip-example_0.1-r0_aarch64.ipk
Copy ipk file to Neutis:
rsync -avz secure-chip-example_0.1-r0_aarch64.ipk root@
where is Neutis IP address.
Copy ipk file with rsync or scp to Neutis and install with the following command:
ls secure-chip*.ipk | xargs opkg install
Execute random_number
and you should get the random 32 byte number:
56 df cd 39 5f e1 da f1
80 fa 0c e9 b1 3f 45 a6
e2 64 8e c7 4d 0d 59 a0
15 48 ca 35 83 1b eb b0
The program explained¶
The random_number
is actually the following compiled C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cryptoauthlib.h>
ATCAIfaceCfg g_iface_config = {
.iface_type = ATCA_I2C_IFACE,
.devtype = ATECC508A,
.atcai2c = {
.slave_address = 0xC0,
.bus = 0,
.baud = 400000,
.wake_delay = 1500,
.rx_retries = 20
int read_atecc_random_number(uint8_t* random_number)
ATCA_STATUS status = atcab_init(&g_iface_config);
if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS) {
printf("atcab_init() failed with ret=0x%08d\r\n", status);
return -1;
status = atcab_random(random_number);;
if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS) {
printf("atcab_random() failed with ret=0x%08d\r\n", status);
return -1;
return 0;
int main(void)
uint8_t random_number[32];
if (read_atecc_random_number(&random_number) != 0)
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++){
printf("%02x ", random_number[i * 8 + j]);
return 0;
1) Include the cryptoauthlib.h header file to get access to CryptoAuthLib API.
2) Call atcab_init() with a pointer for a configuration for an ATECC508A I2C interface.
3) Call atcab_random() passing a pointer to uint8_t array to receive the 32 byte random number.
4) Print the generated number.
Where to go next¶
The complete ATECC508A data sheet and CryptoAuthLib API can be found here. Beware of some functions and read carefully the documentation as you may lock some data slots so as you cannot use them anymore.